Sunday, February 27, 2011
Technology's Promise Forecast - Biometrics
Biometrics is the use of fingerprints, the iris, voice and facial features to identify people. "For matters regarding greater security, "multimodel" systems combining two or more techniques are almost foolproof" (Halal, 2008). The book states the biometrics field is growing at 30 to 40% a year and that "most security systems will use biometrics about 2010 +/- 2 years" (Halal, 2008).
The process Mr. Halal uses in Technology's Promise is as follows. "Instead of consulting one seer about the future of technology, he questions roughly 100 of them. And instead of being general-purpose priestesses, Bill;s oracles are the experts in their fields, from medicine to computer technology and rocket science" (Halal, 2008). The result is you have a more accurate look into the future.
Halal, W. E. (2008). Technology’s promise. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Linked Data Animoto Preso
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In this short animoto presentation Linked Data is discussed. Tim Berners-Lee discussed Linked Data in his Ted Talk. Since linked data encompasses the entire web it is a global force. Structural forces of data in the format of RFP or XML provides a standardized structure in linked data. This makes the HTTP or URL searchable, linkable and information about the data along with relationships to that information included.
Hans Rosling's new insights on poverty
Hans uses the United Nations raw data to analyze various changes between many countries including death rates of children under 1 year, increasing wealth, health, economies, and education. Environmental and Cultural forces are the most important goals of Economic Development. His mantra? "The seemingly impossible is possible".
This is an example of using open linked data, raw data to see patterns through time via statistics.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
MMD Socio-Techno Plan
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Wireless Internet Forecast from and Mobile Device Prediction
The book, "Technology's Promise" states that Wireless Internet has reached mainstream adoption (30% adoption rate).
“Please note that the Selected Adoption & Forecast Data and our Expert Survey confirm that Wireless Internet reached the 30% adoption level in 2010” (Halal & Kadtke, 2011). Economical and global forces are at work as Wireless Internet is growing more rapidly in developing countries. “Because they are generally cheaper and require little infrastructure, wireless Internet is growing much more rapidly in developing countries” (Halal & Kadtke, 2011).
While Wireless Internet has reached mainstream, the mobile device has not yet reached mainstream. Instead, "the mobile device will be the primary connection tool to the Internet for most people in the world in 2020” (Alexander, 2009). As Wireless Internet becomes more global, global forces will influence more people to access the internet from mobile devices. Social forces of increased communication via the internet will also influence the increased access by mobile devices. Digital forces of increased e-books and other information accessed via e-readers will influence higher usage of mobile devices for internet access.
Alexander, B. (2009). Apprehending the future: Emerging technologies, from science fiction to campus reality. Retrieved January 25, 2011, from
Halal, W. E., & Kadtke, J. (2011). Wireless internet. Retrieved February 12, 2011, from
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Cool Tool for Data Extraction Automation from Web browser, Application and Data Layers
Kapow can be used to schedule the extraction of data from your competitors web site, from enterprise databases, or from the application layer. Robots are set up to do the repetitious task of extracting the data and extractions are scheduled through a management console. The data can then be integrated with real time Business Intelligence Analytics.
Web 2.0 tools that support Socio-Technical Innovation
· Describe two features and how it supports innovation.
What is Web 2.0? “Web 2.0 includes concepts such as openness, transparency, user-created content, online collaboration and interoperability” (IT Governance Research Team, 2008). There are a lot of cool Web 2.0 tools out there, it is hard to pick just one that supports Socio-Technical Innovation. For Socio-Technical Innovation I would pick the Wiki. “Wikis are Web pages that enable users collectively to add and edit content” (IT Governance Research Team, 2008). An example of a Socio-Technical Wiki is the new media consortium’s Horizon Report Predicting the Future Wiki.
(New media consortium horizon report wiki - predicting the future, n.d.)
The above screenshot shows what the Horizon Report Wiki – Predicting the Future looks like. It contains the new media consortium’s (NMC) thoughts and predictions about the future. Since this wiki invites thoughts and predictions about the future at an international level, cultural forces are in effect here. Legal forces may be in effect as wiki’s may have links to illegal information or expose confidential information.
Potential Web 2.0 threats by technology (IT Governance Research Team, 2008)
The chart above shows various Web 2.0 threats by technology. Wiki’s also may contain malware, misinformation, and information from untrusted sources. You have to be a member of NMC to edit the above wiki mentioned, which may shield the user from some of these threats. I have also seen user impersonation in both online email sites and social networking sites. A hacker gains access to a users account, impersonates the user and sends messages out to contacts/friends of the user. The contacts/friends view the message and think it is from a trusted source. This type of threat can be hard to detect at times.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Tim Berners-Lee TED talk on the next Web
Structural and informational forces are discussed in what Tim Berners-Lee calls linked data.
Web 3.0 Semantic web
Web 3.0 from Kate Ray on Vimeo.
Structural and informational forces are at work in the Semantic Web. This is a very interesting video. I found this video on Web 3.0 Semantic Web created by Kate Ray on a great blog .