1. Analyze a forecast or prediction from the futurists and post it on your blog. Discuss two forces that affected its success.
The book, "Technology's Promise" states that Wireless Internet has reached mainstream adoption (30% adoption rate).
“Please note that the Selected Adoption & Forecast Data and our Expert Survey confirm that Wireless Internet reached the 30% adoption level in 2010” (Halal & Kadtke, 2011). Economical and global forces are at work as Wireless Internet is growing more rapidly in developing countries. “Because they are generally cheaper and require little infrastructure, wireless Internet is growing much more rapidly in developing countries” (Halal & Kadtke, 2011).
While Wireless Internet has reached mainstream, the mobile device has not yet reached mainstream. Instead, "the mobile device will be the primary connection tool to the Internet for most people in the world in 2020” (Alexander, 2009). As Wireless Internet becomes more global, global forces will influence more people to access the internet from mobile devices. Social forces of increased communication via the internet will also influence the increased access by mobile devices. Digital forces of increased e-books and other information accessed via e-readers will influence higher usage of mobile devices for internet access.
Alexander, B. (2009). Apprehending the future: Emerging technologies, from science fiction to campus reality. Retrieved January 25, 2011, from http://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Review/EDUCAUSEReviewMagazineVolume44/ApprehendingtheFutureEmergingT/171774
Halal, W. E., & Kadtke, J. (2011). Wireless internet. Retrieved February 12, 2011, from http://techcast.org/BreakthroughAnalysis.aspx?ID=72