Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Web 2.0 tools that support Socio-Technical Innovation

· Introduce a cool Web 2.0 tool to support Socio-Technical Innovation.

· Describe two features and how it supports innovation.

What is Web 2.0? “Web 2.0 includes concepts such as openness, transparency, user-created content, online collaboration and interoperability” (IT Governance Research Team, 2008). There are a lot of cool Web 2.0 tools out there, it is hard to pick just one that supports Socio-Technical Innovation. For Socio-Technical Innovation I would pick the Wiki. “Wikis are Web pages that enable users collectively to add and edit content” (IT Governance Research Team, 2008). An example of a Socio-Technical Wiki is the new media consortium’s Horizon Report Predicting the Future Wiki.

(New media consortium horizon report wiki - predicting the future, n.d.)

The above screenshot shows what the Horizon Report Wiki – Predicting the Future looks like. It contains the new media consortium’s (NMC) thoughts and predictions about the future. Since this wiki invites thoughts and predictions about the future at an international level, cultural forces are in effect here. Legal forces may be in effect as wiki’s may have links to illegal information or expose confidential information.

Potential Web 2.0 threats by technology (IT Governance Research Team, 2008)

The chart above shows various Web 2.0 threats by technology. Wiki’s also may contain malware, misinformation, and information from untrusted sources. You have to be a member of NMC to edit the above wiki mentioned, which may shield the user from some of these threats. I have also seen user impersonation in both online email sites and social networking sites. A hacker gains access to a users account, impersonates the user and sends messages out to contacts/friends of the user. The contacts/friends view the message and think it is from a trusted source. This type of threat can be hard to detect at times.


New media consortium horizon report wiki - predicting the future. (n.d.). Retrieved February 09, 2011, from New Medium Consortium Horizon Report Wiki - Predicting the Future:

IT Governance Research Team, (2008). Web 2.0 - Trends, benefits and risks. Cambridgeshire United Kingdom: IT Governance Publishing.

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